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Greenfib is a collective journey that has been ongoing since 2008. This entire path has always had a single destination: a world where material meets method to preserve the common good.

Our team

It is composed of individuals, each with:

• A skill that is useful and complementary to Greenfib, implemented at the appropriate level of involvement and in the form of a contract suited to the individual.

• A conviction to share that, etymologically, "economy" means "management of the household"; we must each day grow in "ecology," "knowledge of the household," because we provide a good answer to a well-posed question.

• A curiosity to experiment with a business model that seeks to be minimally conventional and maximally coherent for the future. (Curiosity comes from "cura," meaning to care for).

Luc Ménétrey


Luc is the inventor of Greenfib® material, developed in 2011 after 3 years of R&D. "Hope drives entrepreneurship, perseverance leads to success" aptly reflects his journey before meeting Cyr and advancing to the industrial stage.

Cyr Dioré


Cyr is the inventor of the Greenfib approach.

In 2018, he joined Luc after validating the ecological coherence of Greenfib® material. “His Cyr constancy is being a creator of circumstances” aptly describes his efforts to help make Greenfib an environmentally coherent industrial player.

Jocelyn Bernard


Saying “we need to change” is good, but “inventing the world of tomorrow” is better…

Because making inventions operational to multiply and impact is essential! This is the key role Jocelyn plays with both power and gentleness.

Mari Loeiza


Mari Loeiza daily combines his desire to have a happy client with his perseverance in navigating the long-term nature of industry. “Alone we go fast, together we go far” illustrates his ability to share Greenfib’s ecological value creation and inspire a shift in behavior, whether for manufacturers, distributors, or users.

Le Caméléon

Ecology director

The chameleon awakens us, challenges us, and reminds us to lead Greenfib in an ecologically responsible manner.

Etymologically, “economy” means “management of the household,” while “ecology” means “knowledge of the household”…

And we provide a good answer to a well-posed question!

Gaëlle Alise

Production Manager

“Without making a fuss,” Gaelle leverages her chemical expertise in materials to strengthen Greenfib’s material response to the technical challenges of its clients…

To make a fuss, Gaelle also oversees the life of the material, from sourcing its ingredients to delivery to our clients.

Margaux Chiquet


Margaux is all about precise communication, getting the message just right. She combines rigor in commitment, effectiveness in action, and precision in formalization.

“Finding the right communication between greenwashing and ecological dogmatism” guides her daily work.

Laure-Anne Le Toquin


We can count on Laure Anne in three ways: her accounting expertise, her curiosity to understand, and her willingness to share—an invaluable and winning trifecta.

“Three times nothing is already something” … and to talk about triple accounting in the future, that will be something!


Greenfib Ecosystem

Our ecosystem consists of actors who:

  • Possess expertise that is relevant and complementary to our own.
  • Have a genuine commitment to advancing their businesses ecologically.
  • Bring a welcome curiosity to experiment with us in our “Greenfib®” approach.

Did you know?

The story of Greenfib begins with the story of Cyr and Luc. A shared story of two young boys, destined to get along, and full of ideas.

It all began in 1984, on the benches of middle school, where their shared creativity became the common thread connecting them. Cyr then moved to the Lycée Pilote Innovant du Futuroscope and embarked on an entrepreneurial path, while Luc attended the Lycée du Bois d’Amour and became an optician.

After caring for people’s vision, Luc decided to focus more on the planet by tackling the plastic problem. Always a “Géo Trouvetou,” he began R&D in 2008 with a lab specializing in bio-materials. By 2011, Greenfib® was born—a 100% bio-based, durable, recyclable material derived from non-food crops, and patented.

In 2015, fate brought Cyr and Luc back together, and in 2017, Cyr invited Luc to participate in a major event, The Bridge, and its seminar on the future of business, held between St. Nazaire and New York, with 800 participants from 250 companies and 75 experts. Luc found strong motivation to develop Greenfib® at the event, while Cyr gained validation of its ecological relevance from the experts. The Greenfib adventure became a shared ambition.

Their goal is to combine ecological robustness with sustainable economic coherence for their company. They also aim to contribute to changing the behaviors of manufacturers, distributors, and users. This is what they call the Greenfib approach, which respects everyone and challenges all.

This is just the beginning of the story, and they are excited to write the next chapter. Why not with you?

Our contributors.

Located as close as possible and in the most coherent manner, to design, manufacture, and market your products in Greenfib® material, they are an integral part of the Greenfib project:

  • Work with existing competent actors rather than building new structures with associated carbon impacts and more.
  • Support them in their ecological transformation.
  • They are experts in eco-design, industrial designers, compounders, and transformers: injection, extrusion, thermoforming, 3D printing, and surface treatment.




They inspire us.

With conscious awareness
JP Goux / OneHome
Patrick Massé / Théâtre équestre de Bretagne

With their solutions
Yannick Roudaut / Expert écologie
Olivier Hamant / Expert en robustesse

With their way to work together
L’association Germe
L’association des entreprises à mission

They support us.

Nothing compares to meeting