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The material.

It’s up to you to manufacture your objects using Greenfib® material, whether injected, extruded, calendered, thermoformed, or made by additive manufacturing…


100% bio-based.

Greenfib® material is a HIGH-PERFORMANCE POLYMER

composed of natural ingredients that do not compete with food resources:

Graines d'huile de ricin naturelles

Rilsan PA11®

100% bio-based

Derived from castor oil, 100% bio-based and existing for 75 years. 500,000 family farms in India cultivate castor seeds without GMOs on non-deforested, poor, and arid soils, without competing with the food chain.

Castor plants have a high tolerance to drought and require very little water. They are harvested several times a year and polymerized in France. The husks from the oil extraction process are used to reclaim the soil before the next harvest.



Greenfib® material contains micronized mineral fillers. These enhance its mechanical properties: resistance to bending, tension, and impact. And that’s not all…

Oyster shell powder is sourced from the waste of Breton oyster farmers, following a circular economy approach.

Talc, on the other hand, is extracted in Ariège in the south of France.

Vegetal fillers

Reed Flour:

Sourced from natural wetlands in France (Vienne and Brittany). Reed is a renewable resource that grows 2.5 meters per year. Its harvesting helps maintain wetlands and preserve biodiversity.

Wood Flour:

Sourced from a Breton sawmill and sustainably managed Breton forests.

Industrial robustness.

– High mechanical strength: impact, bending, and tensile resistance.
– 10-year dishwasher warranty. High resistance to stains (coffee, oil, tomato, vinegar, lemon).
– Self-extinguishing. Up to 960°C on glowing wire, +80°C continuous.
– CE food certification – 10/2011. ALUTEC certificate: hypoallergenic, stainless, UV-resistant.

Ecological robustness.

– 100% bio-based, non-competing with food resources.
– Manufactured in Brittany and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
– Durable, reusable, and refillable applications.
– Plant-based, mineral coloring, or compliant with biodegradability thresholds.
– Recyclable through national and international channels.

Life Cycle Analysis


This scientific methodology, PEF (Product Environmental Footprint / EFv1.4), quantifies all the environmental impacts a product generates throughout its production (ecosystem quality, human health, carbon footprint, resource depletion, water footprint).

We provide this information to our clients, who often use only the carbon footprint to assess the environmental impact of their market products.

We also emphasize that the ecological approach cannot be limited to just the carbon footprint. It is a comprehensive approach that also involves our behaviors—industrial (eco-design), distributors (recycling channels), and users (utility, durability).

Technical data sheets.


Greenfib® material enables the production of objects through extrusion-calendaring followed by thermoforming, as well as through extrusion-blow molding.

Impression 3D

Greenfib® material is 3D printable directly from pellets. Greenfib® 3D is also the first filament based on Rilsan® PA11 polyamide.


The color


These 21 colors comply with the EN13432 biodegradability standard. Contact us; we develop colors that match your needs. All the colors listed above are based on GFIA.

Vegetal: Plant-based pigments allow for the creation of pastel colors, providing aging properties (similar to how wood grays over time).

Rational: Pigments certified EN13432 and food-safe CE 10/2011.

Developed: Pigments certified EN13432. Complex shades. Food-safe certified CE 10/2011.

Greenfib® material, referenced in material libraries

LVMH material library

Greenfib® material has been included among the 400 innovative materials in the "Matière à penser" book found in every LVMH house. It was selected by LVMH as an "innovative, environmentally friendly material suitable for the luxury world, helping creatives and marketing teams integrate environmental preservation into their thinking."


Greenfib® material is also featured in the Innovathèque material library in Paris.


Greenfib® material has been selected by the website and is listed in its Paris material library among 8,000 other innovative and unique materials. Feel free to schedule an appointment with the MateriO team to discover its appearance and colors!

Nantes « La Mat » material library

An alternative to plastic, 100% bio-based, durable, and highly technically performant, Greenfib® material has been added to the materials available at "La Mat," the material library in Nantes.

An object idea

in Greenfib® material?

Femme, verre, fond vert